being flexible on tickets for Uzbek trains

The Silk Road by train. Experts: Milad, Provodnik
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being flexible on tickets for Uzbek trains

Post by maenad »

I have a few questions about trains in Uzbekistan:

1. I'm arriving at Tashkent airport (Saturday, wintertime) at 430am and would like to be on one of the fast trains to Samarkand asap. (I'll see Tashkent later! I know it's supposed to be nice!) What is recommended in terms of booking a ticket when I'm not sure about delayed flights?

2. My plan is to walk from the airport to the train station if the weather is good, or take a taxi using yandex go if it's too cold (likely). If I decide to walk, are there any spots between the airport and the train station where, for example, I would have to cross a mega-highway? It looks fine on the map.

3. I plan to book a coupe from Khiva to Tashkent. I'm not too certain of the day I want to travel. The plan is to book the ticket in advance for the last possible day I want, and then try to change it at the station to an earlier date if necessary. The Uzbek railway website doesn't mention change fees but I assume I'll pay about 10% for doing this, if there's space. Is that the best strategy?
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