Kaspi payment app for tourists Q&A

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Kaspi payment app for tourists Q&A

Post by Kekly »

Has anyone had any experience with the Kaspi payment app? Can I get it as a tourist? I think it’s going to be difficult and expensive here if I don’t get it.
I arrived in Kazakhstan a couple of days ago. I’ve been here before and did everything by cash in the past. Now everyone here uses the Kaspi app to pay for things. It means many shops don’t have small change. I had to pay almost double for my taxi because driver had no change and I had nothing smaller than 2000T note. Similar with a bottle of water at the airport.
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Re: Is Kaspi payment app available for touists

Post by mm11 »

Yes it's possible, but it takes some effort. I went through the process earlier this year. 1. Get Kazakh phone number. 2. Get notarized translation of passport. 3. Go to nearest Citizen Service Center to get an IIN (i.e. Kazakh Tax Identification Number). 4. Go to a Kaspi branch to open a bank account and deposit cash (bring IIN and passport). Non-residents can spend up to 300000 KZT per day.
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Re: Is Kaspi payment app available for touists

Post by serialchiller »

Absolutely recommended if you plan to stay longer than a couple of weeks.

Simples route I've found:
  1. Check in into a hotel or hostel (for a valid & painless registration at the municipality).
  2. Get an IZI (https://izi.me/) eSIM or SIM.
  3. Go to any notary (НОТАРИУС, usually near any Citizen Service Center a.k.a. ЦОН a.k.a. ZON) to get a notarized translation of passport.
  4. Go to ЦОН to get an IIN (National Identification Number). They will ask for your national phone number (and your place of residence, i.e. the hotel/hostel).
  5. Wait up to 14 days.
  6. Pick up your IIN (you'll get an info SMS).
  7. To to any Kaspi branch to get Kaspi Gold. Takes around 20min. They will print out your Visa debit card before your eyes. It's positively mind blowing for someone from continental Europe :-)
  8. Profit!!!
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