Good place to break Bishkek-Osh trip for hiking?

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Good place to break Bishkek-Osh trip for hiking?

Post by velowallah »

Is there a good place to break the journey, where getting back on a shared taxi or transport wouldn't be too challenging? We're looking for a place with good hiking options, ideally day tripping or yurt to yurt hikes of a few days, as we'd like not to carry tents and mats.
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Re: Good place to break Bishkek-Osh trip for hiking?

Post by Christian77 »

For the middle of nowhere, getting back on a shared shared taxi will be quite challenging the larger your group is. It's reasonable for one person, not so much for 2-3. The cars are either totally full with passengers, not looking to make money today, or they have perhaps only one free seat (and a big backpack complicates that).

That being said, you have the options of the Suusamyr valley closer to Bishkek, Toktogul reservoir in the middle, and Arslanbob closer to Osh. Three very different natural environments. I like them all, but I have broad tastes.

For Suusamyr maybe head to "Suuslodge" for a couple of nights or more and do days hikes (wide open high alpine valley with a river - lots of horses, cattle and yurts doing dairy work). The people at Suuslodge can perhaps find you a ride from there to Toktogul (for a premium, there won't be regular traffic back and forth between those two places). In Toktogul you can definitely get a guesthouse and there is CBT operation there with info on area hikes and guides: There' s a big blue reservoir and dry hills and mountains above. Nice if you like that sort of thing. From Toktogul you can get shared transportation to the south. I would go to the town of Bazar-Korgon and switch cars for a ride up to Arslanbob (Caravanistan info covers Arslanbob).

For a Bishkek start, you can expect to pay the full Bishkek-Osh fare for a ride to Suusamyr (unless you speak Russian/Kyrgyz and can dig deep into Telegram shared ride channels to find somewhere only going partway to Osh).
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Re: Good place to break Bishkek-Osh trip for hiking?

Post by Edup »

We stopped twice in our journey from Bishkek to Osh, once in Tortogul and once in Arslanbob in october.
We traveled by marshroutka and it was not that challenging. Bishkek Toktogul is easy, Toktogul - Arslanbob we had to take 2 marshroutkas but it was fine. And from Arslanbob to Osh there's also a direct marshroutka every day (at 6 a.m from what I remember).

In Toktogul we hiked to the mentionned reservoir. Honestly not the best hike in Kyrgyzstan, long flat way and not a great view in my opinion.

The village of Arslanbob has a very different vibe compared to others in the country. CBT is very helpfull. We did only one hike but there are many. The landscape is amazing. In october it was cold and raining though. And the guesthouse we stayed in, one of the CBT recommendation was not good value for money.
The whole Bishkek - Osh journey is quite long, 2 breaks were needed for us !
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Re: Good place to break Bishkek-Osh trip for hiking?

Post by willemspie »

Another possibility is a detour to Sary Chelek.
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Re: Good place to break Bishkek-Osh trip for hiking?

Post by Atkudabrat »

Another option hiking (2.5days-3.5days)

From Saragata (food/restaurants,etc) south shore of Toktogul reservoir main highway bishkek-osh

To kyzyl ungkur then to arslanbob through the walnut forest


2days for the crossing including resupplying and starting the hike to the first saddle from Saragata (abandonned building if you do not carry a tent) , the next day going up another saddle/dirt road (some 4x4 goes there..i have personnally witnessed some as i cycled that way) as far as you can up the pass
The next day passing up early morning then onward down to village
Resupply rest then either ownward next day to arslanbob on foot or find local transport down road

Condition to the top might be dangerous depending on time of year..extreme care is not attempt if bad weather or physical condition problem
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Re: Good place to break Bishkek-Osh trip for hiking?

Post by velowallah »

thanks for the good tips folks. So far, Arslanbob seems like the best option. From what I read, Sary Chelek is a lot more spectacular, but the transport drops you far from the lake, and you need a tent... How scenic is the hike to Kyzyl Ungkur? Is that doable as a two-day hike (one day each way) without a guide from Arlansbob?
Also, I just noticed it is not directly on the route. How long of a detour is it, from the Bishkek-Osh route?
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Re: Good place to break Bishkek-Osh trip for hiking?

Post by willemspie »

Arslanbob Kyzyl Ungkur can be done as a dayhike, but the route finding is difficult, there are several confusing trails, and the most direct trails are not the most obvious one. It is possible to return by marshrutka, changing vehicle at the road junction.
Sary Chelek: you can go there as a dayhike from the village, Arkit, which has accomodation. But there was only one marshrutka daily to/from Arkit.
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