The snow has arrived. My friend posted a photo from her hike on October 5-6 (on the southern part of the Fann Mountains). The snow is down to 3200, and maybe even lower.
About a week and a half ago I went past Vertikal Alauddin and it was closed, but there was a keeper/guard there (he speaks Russian and Tajik). But, like Julia said about Artuch, it's unknown how much longer he will stay. And I didn't ask him if he was able to open up a room to sleep in or not. But he and his friend were very friendly. He came out of his way to greet me when I walked by the edge of the camp.
Fann mountain's in the end of August/September, 10 days alone with tent and sleeping bag....I will fly to Samarcand. I will think for trip after but...
Last post
Hi Andrea, I plan to do the same but will probably be arriving a little later than you. Maybe our paths will cross? I will let you know when I arrive...