Why is it that nearly every suggested itinerary I read has people going from Tashkent to Khiva (Urgench/Nukus) and then making their way back to Tashkent via Bukhara and Samarkand? Why not go to Samarkand first, then Bukhara, and then when getting to Khiva, fly back to Tashkent to go home? Is there some reason I'm not seeing as to why everyone's trip report has them going anti-clockwise instead of clockwise?
I am trying to figure out what difference it makes.
When I organised my trip back in 2021, going "backwards" from Khiva (after travelling to Khiva on a night train from Margilon - I entered Uzbekistan from Osh) offered more convenient travel times on trains. I just checked and this still seems to be the case - trains from Bukhara to Khiva leave in the middle of the night (1-2 trains after 3am, once a week at 01:18). Since I didn't want to fly (and certainly didn't want to drive), working my way back east was the best option. For example, there's a late afternoon train from Khiva that takes you to Bukhara just after midnight - so you still have almost the full day for sightseeing in Khiva and then get to Bukhara at a still-acceptable time.
I sincerely apologize for probably bothering the community, but I would like to know if it possible for a citizens where there is no Uzbek embassy to...
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You can do it in a day. 3h is 2,5h in Uzbekistan. How? Just trust us.